Fay School最小的寄宿年級是7年級,學校最高年級是9年級,6年級沒有寄宿。需要材料如下:
1. 申請費 Application Fee
$50 for domestic applicants and $100 for international applicants
2. 成績單 Transcript Please complete Records Release Form and provide to your current school
3. 推薦信 Confidential Recommendation Forms English, Math, and School Reports should be sent directly to Fay by your current school
4. 面試 Interview (On-Campus or via Skype)
5. SSAT 或者 ISEE 成績 SSAT or ISEE Please visit ssat.org or erblearn.org/parents/admission/isee to find test locations
near you, including test dates at Fay School.
6. 托?;蛐⊥懈3煽?TOEFL or TOEFL, Jr. Required of international applicants whose native language is not English