一般學校都有固定的回訪日期,就是所謂的open house,但你們的參觀回訪,不受那個固定日期的限制。既然學校發(fā)了錄取,還是非常歡迎學生去再次訪問參觀的,而且也會非常熱情的接待,你們可以在你們可以安排的時間里去和學校溝通回訪日期。
祝好運! -
學校一般都會發(fā)郵件給學生的, 也有發(fā)郵件讓學生到網(wǎng)上查錄取結(jié)果。知道錄取以后, 可以跟學校聯(lián)系回訪,具體哪天, 可以跟學校要求。
Yes you can find out the news. With both my children, they were also notified by email.
Every school is different. Normally revisit day is during the month after March 10, but some schools also welcome accepted students anytime during that month. You should try and call in to make an appointment when you hear the good news.
It's better sometimes to go on revisit day since you will be able to sit in the classes, whereas other times, you may or may not.