官方回答There are so many attributes that make a school right for a child, and so it's hard to say what make any one school "great". The schools you’re trying to compare here are quite different: KOA is one of America’s oldest sporting schools with a deep history, exciting future and diverse student body from 26 countries. We maintain no religious affiliation and have an informal “business casual” dress code. The schools you’re trying to compare here are quite different: KUA is one of America’s oldest sporting schools with a deep history, exciting future, and diverse student body from 26 countries. We maintain no religious affiliation and have an informal “business casual“ dress code. Trying to compare these schools is on the surface a hard task. That said, Kimball Union Academy has so many outstanding features that have long made it a school of choice for students from China and 25 other countries around the world. Our close partnership with Dartmouth Collegeaffords our students access and comfort with all that an Ivy League school has to offer. We enjoy the privilege of being able to select from a large and talented applicant pool around the world, and especially in China where we maintain deep ties and popularity. Our location in New Hampshire's Upper Valley provides unparalleled access to skiing, mountain biking, and golf alongside a tradition of excellence in ice hockey. With over 210 years of preparing students for all that comes next, KUA has happily welcomed students from China and seen them off to schools like Cornell Dartmouth, Yale, UCLA and many more. Your question is inherently a challenging one, and there is no one right answer but KUA has so much to offer your students and we look forward to welcoming them to our campus, The Hilltop, very soon!
Kimball Union這所學(xué)校毗鄰達特茅斯學(xué)院,開車20分鐘左右,STEM項目突出,最有特色的是環(huán)境科學(xué);
Asheville這所學(xué)校校園很大,像世外桃源,2018年被《建筑文摘》評為“北卡羅來納州最美麗的私立高中”,與北卡羅來那大學(xué)阿什維爾分校合作,學(xué)生有機會在UNC Asheville先進的STEAM實驗室與其大四生一起開展機器人項目,進行各種工程試驗,強項學(xué)科是綜合人文課,重視公共演講,邀請來自各個領(lǐng)域?qū)W者。 -
不同的學(xué)校適合不同的學(xué)生,不能單看排名,Asheville 排名今年下降,但學(xué)??傮w還是很不錯的,在美國本土人眼里要比Kimball Union Aedemy 好不少
Kimball Union Academy(KUA)和Asheville School都是美國優(yōu)秀的私立寄宿高中,但它們各有自己的特點和優(yōu)勢,因此要確定哪個更好需要考慮個人的需求、偏好以及學(xué)術(shù)和課外活動的目標。
Kimball Union Academy(KUA)位于新罕布什爾州,在學(xué)術(shù)方面強調(diào)全面發(fā)展,提供廣泛的課程選擇和強大的課外活動。
Asheville School位于北卡羅來納州,注重學(xué)術(shù)、體育和藝術(shù)等方面的平衡發(fā)展,提供豐富的課外活動和社區(qū)參與機會。
KUA 和 Asheville School 都提供豐富的學(xué)術(shù)課程和先進的教學(xué)資源,但具體課程設(shè)置和強調(diào)可能有所不同。
Asheville School位于北卡羅來納州,周圍環(huán)境也很美麗,該地區(qū)氣候較溫和,有利于戶外活動。
對于哪所學(xué)校更好這個問題,沒有絕對答案,因為這取決于個人的興趣、學(xué)術(shù)目標、課外活動偏好以及適應(yīng)特定校園文化和環(huán)境的能力。建議您仔細研究兩所學(xué)校的官方網(wǎng)站,了解更多學(xué)校的信息,并盡可能地進行校園參觀或與學(xué)校的招生代表交流,以幫助您做出更符合個人需求的選擇。 -