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美高小寒工作室: TOP美高美本申請 通過 網(wǎng)站 回答于2025-01-07 01:08:03 |
選Offer 藝術(shù)特長是繪畫,體育特長是馬術(shù)。獲得過不少省級及以上比賽獎項。請問老師以下幾個學校應該怎么選? ( 4個offer )
sxs_1225@163.com 通過網(wǎng)站提問于2023-03-13 13:22:08
選Offer 男孩,8升9,在讀上海國際學校,Viewpoint和Buckley都已經(jīng)錄取,準備暑假去加州走讀。想請老師建議哪所學校更好? ( 2個offer )
FS用戶 通過網(wǎng)站提問于2023-03-11 13:27:08
6 回答
您好: 我來回答一下您的幾個問題: 1. 請問這里的學校都招八年級嗎?錄取率都大概多少呢? 這些學校基本都招八年級,根據(jù)您孩子的情況來看,錄取的可能性還是挺大的,對于不招國際學生的學校,小托福不做參考,需要的是ISEE或者是SSAT, 2. 其中有很多學校都不要標化成績了,請問在申請時應該重點準備哪些方面呢? 目前的準備重點應該在面試,活動,以及申請的文書上,看到孩子在校成績不錯,這是一個很大的優(yōu)勢; 3. 女兒從北京公立小學畢業(yè),現(xiàn)在要上加州一所普通私校。小學成績一般是前幾名,小托福880,ISEE練習考4/4/7/8。孩子比較平均,成熟,自主性強,雖然藝術(shù)和體育都有練,但是沒有很多獲獎。愛好很多,有馬術(shù)、芭蕾、滑雪、鋼琴、籃球、游泳等。請問只申請這些學??梢詥??可以加強哪些方面呢? 您可以再加學校,也可以只申請這些,如果孩子實力夠強,建議可以加幾所比較Top的寄宿制學校; 4. 孩子最喜歡Marlborough,請問希望大嗎?請問還有哪所學校您覺得非常好的呢? Marlborough 是不錯的學校,加油。
美國創(chuàng)藤教育 通過 網(wǎng)站 回答于2020-08-11 23:42:03 |
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1802***7753 通過 iPhone應用 回答于2020-03-11 23:34:45 |
4 回答
ARE THERE SPECIAL ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS FOR INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS? International students must provide official transcripts for the current school year, as well as for the previous two years (unless applying to K-3), with an official English translation included. CAN BUCKLEY HELP FIND HOST FAMILIES FOR INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS? No. Before a student can be admitted to Buckley, the student must have a parent or adult guardian with whom he or she can reside with during the school year I AM AN INTERNATIONAL STUDENT. HOW CAN I OBTAIN AN I-20 FORM FROM THE SCHOOL? Once you are admitted and the entire comprehensive fee has been paid, the school will issue a Form I-20, which permits a student to attend The Buckley School until he or she graduates. If you are transferring from another school within the United States, you must contact the Director of Admission at Buckley in order to complete a transfer Form I-20. DOES BUCKLEY OFFER ESL (ENGLISH AS A SECOND LANGUAGE) COURSES? No. Due to the highly competitive and very demanding college preparatory curriculum at Buckley, all students must be proficient in English. 總結(jié)來說國際學生可以申請 錄取之前要找到host family 但是這樣的學校(國際生不太多的樣子)有可能不是真心收國際學生的 這點會很煩人
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